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A Sleep Retreat for Team GB at Paris Olympics

Posted in on Aug 27, 2024. Tags: ,

As Team GB and its athletes prepared for this summer’s Olympic games in Paris, they did not just train and eat well.  They also slept well.

The Dreams Sleep Retreat at Team GB’s Performance Lodge included four MetroNaps EnergyPods and four Podtime Ultra sleep pods.

Why nap pods?

Greg Retter, Head of Performance Services for Team GB, spear-headed the idea to bring nap pods to support athletes during competition.  “Travelling, competing in different time zones, and experiencing unfamiliar sleeping conditions can all have an impact on the amount of sleep athletes are able to get at an Olympic Games.  It is always our aim to develop an environment that allows our athletes to perform at their best, and we are looking forward to taking this one step further in Paris with the support of Dreams.”

His proposal was met with enthusiasm by Dr. Luke Gupta, sleep scientist for the UK Institute of Sport who says, “Sleep is a pillar of athlete health, wellbeing and performance,...

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Recent Articles

How much sleep do I need?

Posted in on Dec 20, 2023. Tags: , , ,

We all know that sleep is important. Considering that we spend up to one-third of our lives sleeping, it is relevant to know just how much sleep we need each night in to fully recover and thrive.

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Nap before or after workout?

Posted in on Jan 20, 2023. Tags: , ,

A good nap can fully restore your physical performance and guarantee improved alertness, better reaction time, and put you in a better mood. “Taking a nap is a great way to boost an athlete's performance without getting tired” – says Dr. Amy Bender from the University of Calgary. However, when should we throw a nap into our schedule – before or after doing physical activity?

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Light box therapy for jet-lag

Posted in on Jun 6, 2022. Tags: , ,

Jet lag is defined as a “condition characterized by various psychological and physiological effects (such as fatigue and irritability). Jet-lag occurs following a long flight through several time zones and results from disruption of circadian rhythms in the human body.

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